My Mainstreet Implementation

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Consultation has concluded

Thank you for your interest in the My Mainstreet project! Although this project page has been archived, we invite you to visit the P-3 Partnering for Parker's Progress My Mainstreet webpage for ongoing updates, resources, and additional information on this master plan.

Project Overview

During the My Mainstreet Project, P-3, the Town of Parker's Urban Renewal Authority, partnered with the Parker community to get feedback to help us create a Strategic Framework for future development in Downtown Parker.

Following the conclusion of that project, we moved into the implementation phase. The My Mainstreet Implementation project built on the foundations established during 2018 and worked to inform residents about the next steps each site would go through to help create a Vibrant, Vital, and Resilient downtown.

Thank you for your interest in the My Mainstreet project! Although this project page has been archived, we invite you to visit the P-3 Partnering for Parker's Progress My Mainstreet webpage for ongoing updates, resources, and additional information on this master plan.

Project Overview

During the My Mainstreet Project, P-3, the Town of Parker's Urban Renewal Authority, partnered with the Parker community to get feedback to help us create a Strategic Framework for future development in Downtown Parker.

Following the conclusion of that project, we moved into the implementation phase. The My Mainstreet Implementation project built on the foundations established during 2018 and worked to inform residents about the next steps each site would go through to help create a Vibrant, Vital, and Resilient downtown.

Discussions: All (11) Open (11)
  • What are the elements of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown?

    over 5 years ago
    Share What are the elements of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown? on Facebook Share What are the elements of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown? on Twitter Share What are the elements of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown? on Linkedin Email What are the elements of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown? link

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    All communities have the best intentions when it comes to their downtowns. In most cases, a great downtown offers residents and visitors a popular gathering space to socialize, places to shop and eat, and a venue for entertainment- fundamentally creating a place where people want to be.  Our vision is to create a downtown that is vibrant, vital, and resilient. 

     In order to achieve this, there are 10 key elements that a downtown should include.

    • Pedestrian and Bicycle Friendly
    • Mix of Uses
    • Downtown Housing Options
    • Quality Outdoor Spaces and Design
    • Municipal and Economic Anchors
    • Culture and  Entertainment
    • Public-Private Partnerships
    • Well Defined and Branded
    • Historic Preservation
    • Clean and Safe Environment

    A vibrant downtown is pulsating with life, vigor and activity. Downtown should be filled with people, businesses, food and retailers. The vibrancy of downtown depends on its beauty, walkability, daytime activities, art and innovation.

    The success of Downtown is vital to the overall economic success of a town. Each one of the key elements above is critical in making downtown a place where people want to live, visit, and work. Ensuring the vitality of downtown entails capitalizing on current assets while providing additional features. The Mainstreet Master Plan  is a policy document that will help guide the future development and revitalization along Mainstreet.

    Resilience is the ability of a downtown to withstand the shocks and stresses of an economic downturn. A mix of uses in downtown including places to live, offices to work, and places to shop and eat are needed to create economically resilient communities. The implementation of the My Mainstreet project will aid in providing these essential uses.

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  • Pedestrian and Bicycle Friendly - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown

    over 5 years ago
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    What makes a pedestrian/bicycle friendly downtown?

    A pedestrian/bicycle friendly downtown is created by encouraging residents and visitors to walk or bicycle by providing certain elements that enable and enhance the experience.  Features such as wide sidewalks, nighttime lighting, parks, bike lanes, highly visible crosswalks, trees and landscaping, sitting areas, and better trail and sidewalk connectivity to Downtown will help Parker accomplish this goal.

    Why is this element important?

    Essential to the vitality of any downtown and the quality of life they offer is how people move within them. A walkable downtown has a multitude of benefits including health, social, environmental, economic and political.  Planning efforts to reduce vehicular traffic in favor of more active modes of transport has already begun to show positive results on an international level.

    What are the current assets in Downtown Parker?

    The Town of Parker has incorporated many pedestrian assets into its Downtown. As you travel through the downtown area, you’ll see everything from art sculptures and parks to outdoor cafes and shops; and even wayfinding signs to help you get around. One of the most important assets is the Sulphur Gulch Trail, which is a significant east-west trail that brings pedestrian and bicycle traffic into Downtown and beyond. In addition, virtually all the public roadways in Downtown have sidewalks, further increasing pedestrian safety. The Town has also provided a ½ mile bike lane downtown and bicycle parking.

    What are the opportunities for improvement?

    Although there are many wonderful attributes to Downtown, pedestrian improvements continue to be a priority for the Town. The Parker Mainstreet Master Plan highlights the top three recommendations for improvements in downtown:

    • Extend existing roadways to promote alternative routes to Mainstreet

    • Introduce bike lanes and routes providing connectivity to and within downtown

    • Introduce additional crosswalk enhancements to increase safety, comfort and visibility at all Mainstreet intersections

    Can developing the My Mainstreet parcels improve current conditions?

    The implementation and development of the My Mainstreet parcels can play a vital role in the economic growth of Parker. The development of these parcels can fill in gaps and provide needed public infrastructure improvements including providing new connections to downtown, making it a more walkable environment. These improvements attract new businesses, residents and visitors and spur additional private investment in the Town.

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  • Mix of Uses - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown

    over 5 years ago
    Share Mix of Uses - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown on Facebook Share Mix of Uses - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown on Twitter Share Mix of Uses - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown on Linkedin Email Mix of Uses - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown link

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    What does a "Mix of Uses" mean?

    A successful downtown should blend civic, cultural, commercial, office and residential uses. Physically incorporating places for work, living, relaxation, entertainment and recreation creates a downtown that draws and engages residents and visitors. A mixed use development is practical because it positions our daily activities in close proximity to one another. A mixed use development can be vertical, meaning it combines different uses within the same building with more public uses on the lower floors and private uses on the upper floors or horizontal, meaning it consists of various single-use buildings with a range of uses on the same parcel.  This type of development is characterized as pedestrian-friendly and seeks to foster a community design and development that serves the Town’s economy, community, public health and the environment.

    Why are a mix of uses important?

    There are numerous benefits to encouraging denser developments in downtown. Mixed-use developments promote walkability, which can help revitalize a downtown by increasing tax revenue, increasing private investment, promoting tourism, increasing property values and supporting a good business environment. Because these developments incorporate a variety of uses and tenants, investors and developers can protect themselves against large vacancies- in essence lessening their investment risk. Downtowns that integrate mixed use projects allow for the effective functioning of all types of businesses, social and cultural activities without using a lot of energy for transportation and logistics, thus increasing the resiliency of downtown.

    What are the current assets in Downtown Parker?

    Downtown Parker has a variety of land uses. Along Mainstreet, there are restaurants and shops; offices; homes; Sulphur-Gulch Trail and multiple parks; PACE Center and The Schoolhouse; Town Hall and a public library. Parker has worked diligently to diversify downtown by incorporating a mixed use model for development that promotes a vibrant, vital, and resilient downtown.

    Where are there opportunities to improve the mix of uses in Downtown? 

    There is a great opportunity for Parker to integrate more mixed-use developments into the downtown area. This is vital to a towns overall economy as national market studies have shown. Currently, Parker’s downtown has retail and housing vacancy rates as low as 3% and an office vacancy rate as low as 6%, which suggests that the downtown market supports additional space for these uses.

    How does developing the My Mainstreet parcels improve current conditions?

    Each My Mainstreet parcel is zoned to provide these pedestrian-oriented developments that layer compatible land uses, public amenities, and utilities together at various scales and intensities. A mixed use project will help to meet the market demands when it comes to the current vacancies and high-priced rents in downtown. In addition, this type of growth creates an inviting environment for us to work, live and play.

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  • Downtown Housing Options - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown

    over 5 years ago
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    What are downtown housing options?

    To live downtown or not to live downtown? There are two big advantages to living downtown. The first advantage is convenience to shops, food, services, friends and neighbors without driving. This produces monetary benefits for the residents in addition to environmental benefits. The other big advantage is for downtown businesses as housing provides them patrons around the clock, every day. Downtown living offers charm, history, and attractive streets with unique architecture- vibrancy. The housing options range from upper floor lofts and condos to townhouses, for sale or rent, offering residents options and affordability.

    Why are downtown housing options important?

    Housing is a vital element in any downtown. It is a new, but prevalent indicator of downtown success because of the constant flow of foot traffic generated by these residents. It strengthens retail activity and lessens vacancies. A downtown that meets the demand for housing attracts new residents and new jobs, thus growing the tax base for the town making downtown more resilient.

    What are the current assets in Downtown Parker?

    Downtown Parker has both townhome and apartment living. Parker’s downtown residential vacancy rate is approximately 8%, which supports a recent market analysis finding that more housing is needed in downtown.

    Where are there opportunities for improvement?

    There is a key opportunity for Parker to create housing options in a more walkable and mixed-use setting. Housing diversity is important in a community as it helps attract new residents as well as retain existing residents looking to downsize. The two largest demographics in the United States are millennials and baby boomers so as Parker’s 55+ community continues to grow and more young professionals come to the area, it is necessary to provide them with the type of housing options that they desire.

    How does developing the My Mainstreet parcels improve current conditions?

    The My Mainstreet parcels are zoned to allow the type of mixed use environment that can incorporate these live-work-play neighborhoods that are so popular nation-wide.  Developing these parcels will also better the pedestrian infrastructure of downtown including adding more connections and amenities.

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  • Municipal & Economic Anchor Tenants - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown

    over 5 years ago
    Share Municipal & Economic Anchor Tenants - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown on Facebook Share Municipal & Economic Anchor Tenants - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown on Twitter Share Municipal & Economic Anchor Tenants - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown on Linkedin Email Municipal & Economic Anchor Tenants - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown link

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    What are municipal/economic anchors?

    Anchor institutions are often the largest contributors to a downtown’s economic stability and strength. Any large business or organization, such as a school or university, government office, cultural space, residences and medium to large retail can be considered anchors. These anchors add to the vibrancy of downtown by creating a place that offers walkability, social interaction, and engagement.  Lastly, they embrace their roles as innovators and community leaders in the revitalization of any downtown.

    Why is this element important?

    Anchor institutions play a vital role in the local economy for several reasons. First, these types of businesses or organizations tend not to move locations- essentially making them an anchor. Second, they lure people to downtown because people are more likely to go out of their way to visit anchor destinations. In addition, they have the ability to add new jobs, attract investors and help spearhead the creation of downtown partnerships. These benefits will make downtown a more resilient place.

    What are downtown Parker’s current assets?

    When you visualize Mainstreet in downtown Parker, what do you see as the West anchor? East anchor? In the Spring of 2018, construction of a large development project that includes a boutique hotel, 10,000 square feet of retail and a public plaza began, which will anchor the west side of downtown. Currently the east end of town is anchored by two municipal institutions, the Douglas County Library and Parker’s Town Hall.

    Where are opportunities for improvement?

    There is an opportunity to provide a unique anchor at the east end of Mainstreet, a place that people would be willing to go out of their way to patronize, which would certainly generate more foot traffic. In addition, more connections can be made downtown supporting a more pedestrian friendly environment.  Downtown contributes approximately 5% to the overall sales tax, which is considerably low for a downtown. By providing the missing economic anchors on the west and the east ends of downtown, the sales tax revenue can increase further contributing the vitality and resiliency of downtown.

    How does developing the My Mainstreet parcels improve current conditions?

    One of the key findings in a recent market survey for downtown Parker found that the Pine Curve site at the intersection of Pine Drive and Mainstreet should be developed as an anchor for the east end of downtown and that this site would help support and catalyze a mixed-use development. The development of these parcels will add missing connections to downtown and afford more sales tax dollars, in turn stimulating the Town’s economy.

    Anchor institutions are often the largest contributors to a downtown’s economic stability and strength. Any large business or organization, such as a school or university, government office, cultural space, residences and medium to large retail can be considered anchors. These anchors add to the vibrancy of downtown by creating a place that offers walkability, social interaction, and engagement.  Lastly, they embrace their roles as innovators and community leaders in the revitalization of any downtown.

    Why is this element important?

    Anchor institutions play a vital role in the local economy for several reasons. First, these types of businesses or organizations tend not to move locations- essentially making them an anchor. Second, they lure people to downtown because people are more likely to go out of their way to visit anchor destinations. In addition, they have the ability to add new jobs, attract investors and help spearhead the creation of downtown partnerships. These benefits will make downtown a more resilient place.

    What are downtown Parker’s current assets?

    When you visualize Mainstreet in downtown Parker, what do you see as the West anchor? East anchor? In the Spring of 2018, construction of a large development project that includes a boutique hotel, 10,000 square feet of retail and a public plaza began, which will anchor the west side of downtown. Currently the east end of town is anchored by two municipal institutions, the Douglas County Library and Parker’s Town Hall.

    Where are opportunities for improvement?

    There is an opportunity to provide a unique anchor at the east end of Mainstreet, a place that people would be willing to go out of their way to patronize, which would certainly generate more foot traffic. In addition, more connections can be made downtown supporting a more pedestrian friendly environment.  Downtown contributes approximately 5% to the overall sales tax, which is considerably low for a downtown. By providing the missing economic anchors on the west and the east ends of downtown, the sales tax revenue can increase further contributing the vitality and resiliency of downtown.

    How does developing the My Mainstreet parcels improve current conditions?

    One of the key findings in a recent market survey for downtown Parker found that the Pine Curve site at the intersection of Pine Drive and Mainstreet should be developed as an anchor for the east end of downtown and that this site would help support and catalyze a mixed-use development. The development of these parcels will add missing connections to downtown and afford more sales tax dollars, in turn stimulating the Town’s economy.
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  • Cultural & Entertainment - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown

    over 5 years ago
    Share Cultural & Entertainment - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown on Facebook Share Cultural & Entertainment - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown on Twitter Share Cultural & Entertainment - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown on Linkedin Email Cultural & Entertainment - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown link

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    One of the most vital elements of a downtown is access to cultural amenities and entertainment; they help give our downtown a vibrant and relevant identity. When a downtown provides amenities such as galleries, theaters, concert halls, performing art institutions, event spaces, it not only attracts residents and visitors to downtown, it increases the economic activity in downtown and adds to our quality of life. In 2017, Parker Arts generated over $10 million and supported over 300 jobs, a very impressive level of economic activity.

    What are downtown Parker’s current assets?

    Downtown Parker has a lot to offer in the way of entertainment and gathering spaces and the 238,361 patrons who visited the Town’s cultural facilities in 2018 prove it. The PACE Center has a 500 seat theater, 250 seat amphitheater, event and classroom space, and even an art gallery. It offers classes, performances and private events.  The Schoolhouse, in downtown also offers shows and hold events. Have you ever been to a concert in Discovery Park, sat on the curb on Mainstreet watching a parade, maybe stop by the Farmers Market? These are just a few of the activities and events in downtown throughout the year.

    Where are opportunities for improvement?

    There is an opportunity to provide our cultural institutions with supportive uses that keep patrons downtown. By offering restaurants, galleries, more retail, and daytime destination uses, you increase the appeal of downtown.

    How does developing the My Mainstreet parcels improve current conditions?

    One of the key findings in a recent market survey for downtown Parker found that residents desire building a retail and dining complex with specialty retailers. This concept promotes a mixed use walkable environment and supports the current uses downtown. The development of these parcels will add to the vitality of downtown.

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  • Quality Outdoor Spaces and Designs - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown

    over 5 years ago
    Share Quality Outdoor Spaces and Designs - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown on Facebook Share Quality Outdoor Spaces and Designs - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown on Twitter Share Quality Outdoor Spaces and Designs - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown on Linkedin Email Quality Outdoor Spaces and Designs - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown link

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    What  are quality outdoor spaces/design?

    Outdoor spaces with quality design can help define a community. They are vibrant places that foster social interaction and physical connectivity. The design of these spaces attracts people and encourages them to engage with the space and each other. These places can be pastoral or urban in nature providing relaxation, entertainment, exercise, events and plenty of amenities like places to sit, picnic areas, parking and lighting.

    Why is this element important in creating a great downtown?

    There are both health and economic benefits to providing residents with quality outdoor spaces that are designed for both passive and active recreation as well as a gathering place. The health benefit offered from access to these spaces, is both mental and physical. In addition to affording residents and visitors with a retreat from daily life, it gives people a place to meet and connect with one another. These spaces are designed for play, whether it’s dancing at a concert or watching your kids on a playground- drawing people downtown during the day and the night. These quality spaces also have quantitative factors such as increased tourism, increased resident/visitor spending, increased property values and a better quality of life.

    What are the current assets?

    The town currently operates 15 parks, nine trails totaling 38 miles, the Parker Recreation Center, H2O’Brien Pool, Parker Fieldhouse and comprehensive recreation, sports and events programs for the community. Downtown has over 13 acres of parks including H2O’Brien Park and Discovery Park, which drew a combined 90,000 visitors in 2018. The Town of Parker’s award-winning Parks and Recreation Department exemplifies this essential element by designing spaces that protect assets, connects people and places, supply critical amenity infrastructure and add to our quality of life.

    Where are opportunities for improvement?

    As growth and development persists in town, it is a priority to provide more parks, trails and recreation facilities while preserving open space throughout Parker. In downtown, it is important to ensure that the current park designs, amenities, and safety and maintenance standards remain a high priority and continue to serve residents and visitors in the best way possible. Additionally, it is important to ensure that future investments in parks and public spaces is focused on enhancing and expanding downtown’s current public event spaces.

    How does developing the My Mainstreet parcels improve current conditions?

    The development of the My Mainstreet parcels allows for five opportunities to invest in parks and open space by incorporating public space into the design and development of these parcels. An equally important factor is the possibility that the development of these parcels can aid in the costs needed to maintain and innovate outdoor spaces in downtown.

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  • Well-defined and branded - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown

    over 5 years ago
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    What does well- defined and branded mean?

    Just like people and products, cities and towns are brands too. A well-defined and branded town generates positive feelings, ideas and attitudes about that town. It’s more than a logo, but a whole package that can include everything from the towns typography and personality to its customer service, history and product quality. Cities and towns around the world are trying to differentiate themselves to attract people and investments by conveying their unique characteristics. Branding should address the tourist who visits once a year and the residents who frequent downtown.

    Why is this element important?

    Town or city branding is more than marketing your town, it is creating an image of a place people want to go and experience. It strengthens communities by giving them a sense of place, while adding value to the town in terms of beneficial economic growth through supporting businesses and boosting tourism.

    What are the current assets?

    A strong identity is vital to any downtown and a successful branding campaign will engage and attract people to your town. If you have access to the internet, Facebook, Twitter or even YouTube, you have access to all the happenings in Parker. Downtown is truly a hub for all kinds of events. Parker has several each year including the Holiday lighting and Christmas parade, Parker Days, Honey Festival, art walks and wine walks, and the Sunday farmers market to name a few. These events draw hundreds of thousands of individuals to downtown each year, making Parker an appealing destination.  The town has also provided wayfinding signs to guide you to and around downtown. You can even see these signs on the Sulphur Gulch Trail. In addition, there is a town-wide retail initiative, the Made in Parker campaign, to build awareness and promote our diverse business community. A key partner in the success of downtown is the Downtown Business Alliance (DBA), which puts the spotlight on downtown Parker by providing residents and visitors with information on everything from things to do and places to eat to parking locations and even a business directory.

    Where are opportunities for improvement?

    There are opportunities to improve upon in downtown Parker. There are still a number of commercially zoned parcels in downtown that are still undeveloped, which is uncharacteristic of well-defined downtowns. Also missing from the east end of downtown is wayfinding signage that directs and invites people into downtown.

    How does developing the My Mainstreet parcels improve current conditions?

    The development of the My Mainstreet parcels will improve current conditions by filling in the vacant parcels downtown. Developing these parcels will satisfy the gaps and enable the blending of old and new architecture to create a more uniform appearance in downtown. Currently, there are wayfinding signs located in the west side of town to guide visitors to downtown, however, this feature is missing on the east side of Mainstreet. As the far east end of Mainstreet develops, this type of amenity can be added. In addition, through expansion and growth in downtown, there is an opportunity to create an Arts and Culture district.

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  • Historic Preservation - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown

    over 5 years ago
    Share Historic Preservation - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown on Facebook Share Historic Preservation - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown on Twitter Share Historic Preservation - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown on Linkedin Email Historic Preservation - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown link

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    What physically is historic preservation?

    Historic preservation is simply the practice of protecting and preserving sites, structures and areas that reflect elements of local or national cultural, social, economic, political, archaeological history. Preserving history is vital to understanding a town’s past.

    Why is this element important?

    Historic Preservation has practical and economic benefits.  It helps enhance a town’s cultural vitality and identity, aids in local economic and community revitalization, increases tourism by attracting residents and visitors, conserves resources, promotes environmental stability, and increases tax bases and property value.

    What are the current assets?

    Parker has over 20 landmarked historical sites to visit and most are located in downtown. There is a self-guided historical walking tour of downtown in which you can learn about Parker’s rich railroad history or visit notable buildings like the Ruth Memorial Chapel, the Schoolhouse, Parker Garage or any of the revitalized Victorian homes throughout downtown. The Parker Area Historical Society, a non-profit organization, works to research, record and preserve historic events and sites in the Parker area.

    Where are opportunities for improvement?

    It is the Town of Parker’s goal to continue to support efforts to safeguard its historical and cultural heritage and to educate the community about historical resources.

    How does developing the My Mainstreet parcels improve current conditions?

    The development of the My Mainstreet parcels can support preservation in downtown as well as help promote opportunities for residents to learn about our history through community events. 

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  • Public Private Partnership - Element of a Vibrant, Vital and Resilient Downtown

    over 5 years ago
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    What are public-private partnerships?

    A public-private partnership is a contractual agreement between a private party and a government entity, for providing a public asset or service, in which the project responsibility is shared. These partnerships can be used to finance, build and operate a specific project. A public-private partnership may include significant infrastructure improvements such as roadway, pedestrian, storm water drainage and beautification to the overall site. Governments have used a mix of public and private undertakings throughout history.

    Why is this element important?

    There are 3 reasons why these partnerships are so vital to a towns economic stability: availability of private-sector technology and innovation, the ability to finance projects that would not have been completed otherwise, and both entities share the risks and rewards.

    What are the current assets?

    Has Parker ever entered into a public-private partnership? Absolutely. Events such as the Farmers Market and Parker Days are public-private partnerships. Additionally, in Parker development projects including Parker Flats, King Soopers Marketplace in Cottonwood and the Morningstar Assisted Living facility. These partnerships have led to true success stories for Parker.

    Where are opportunities for improvement?

    These partnerships help to ensure that the necessary investments are endowed to the public sector and that the project is managed in an effective and timely manner using advanced technology. A market analysis completed for downtown Parker concluded that a public-private partnership is needed for the success of office, housing and mixed use projects in downtown. Additionally, these partnerships are key in making capital infrastructure improvements, which greatly benefit the public.

    How does developing the My Mainstreet parcels improve current conditions?

    The development of the My Mainstreet parcels will help offset the costs of adding necessary infrastructure to downtown. Additionally, there are multiple vacant parcels in downtown that once developed will satisfy the gaps in downtown contributing to a more aesthetic and well-balanced appearance.

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