Land Development Ordinance Modernization Project - Phase 2 Replacement Zoning Map Started!

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Project Updates

LDO Replacement Zoning Map Adopted

The Town is excited to announce a major milestone for Parker, the adoption of the Land Development Ordinance Replacement Zoning Map on Jan. 6. Following Town Council’s recent adoption of the new LDO in May 2024, adoption of the Town’s new official zoning map concludes the LDO Modernization project with some new and updated zoning districts that align with the Parker 2035 Master Plan.

The Town’s official zoning map shows the locations of the various zoning districts established within the Town of Parker municipal limits. Every property in Town is zoned. Zoning describes what uses are permitted on properties and also includes dimensional standards such as allowable building heights and setbacks.

The LDO is Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code, which sets standards for land use and development within the Town. The LDO Modernization project was the first comprehensive rewrite of the Land Development Ordinance since the Town’s incorporation in 1981. The LDO and the associated Zoning Map are important tools used to implement the vision and goals of the Town’s Master Plan.

LDO & LDO Administrative Manual Adoption

Parker Town Council adopted the new Land Development Ordinance (LDO) on May 20, 2024, with the exception of section 13.04 Zoning. The LDO and associated LDO Administrative Manual that was also adopted - will both be effective June 9, 2024. The adopted LDO & LDO Administrative Manual are available in the 'Document Library'. The Town is currently working on a replacement zoning map and will start community outreach this summer.

Thank you to the many stakeholders, partners and residents who have contributed to this project since 2019.

Project Overview

The Town of Parker's Community Development Department initiated a multi-year project in early 2019 to modernize our community's Land Development Ordinance (LDO).

The previous LDO was originally adopted at the time of the Town's incorporation in 1981 from County zoning. Portions of the LDO stayed unchanged for over 30 years, while others were revised in response to policy changes over time. The incremental updates and revisions created gaps, inconsistencies and ambiguity within the regulations – resulting in challenges for the public, the development community and Town staff as the LDO was interpreted and implemented. The Town, along with consultant team Clarion Associates, initiated this project to modernize the LDO into a user-friendly document.

The updated LDO facilitates a more transparent, modern and efficient approach to how the Town manages future growth and development by better aligning the LDO with the vision, goals and policies of the Parker 2035 Master Plan and other adopted planning documents. Other benefits of this project include adoption of best practices in zoning and more efficient, easier-to-use regulation.

Project Updates

LDO Replacement Zoning Map Adopted

The Town is excited to announce a major milestone for Parker, the adoption of the Land Development Ordinance Replacement Zoning Map on Jan. 6. Following Town Council’s recent adoption of the new LDO in May 2024, adoption of the Town’s new official zoning map concludes the LDO Modernization project with some new and updated zoning districts that align with the Parker 2035 Master Plan.

The Town’s official zoning map shows the locations of the various zoning districts established within the Town of Parker municipal limits. Every property in Town is zoned. Zoning describes what uses are permitted on properties and also includes dimensional standards such as allowable building heights and setbacks.

The LDO is Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code, which sets standards for land use and development within the Town. The LDO Modernization project was the first comprehensive rewrite of the Land Development Ordinance since the Town’s incorporation in 1981. The LDO and the associated Zoning Map are important tools used to implement the vision and goals of the Town’s Master Plan.

LDO & LDO Administrative Manual Adoption

Parker Town Council adopted the new Land Development Ordinance (LDO) on May 20, 2024, with the exception of section 13.04 Zoning. The LDO and associated LDO Administrative Manual that was also adopted - will both be effective June 9, 2024. The adopted LDO & LDO Administrative Manual are available in the 'Document Library'. The Town is currently working on a replacement zoning map and will start community outreach this summer.

Thank you to the many stakeholders, partners and residents who have contributed to this project since 2019.

Project Overview

The Town of Parker's Community Development Department initiated a multi-year project in early 2019 to modernize our community's Land Development Ordinance (LDO).

The previous LDO was originally adopted at the time of the Town's incorporation in 1981 from County zoning. Portions of the LDO stayed unchanged for over 30 years, while others were revised in response to policy changes over time. The incremental updates and revisions created gaps, inconsistencies and ambiguity within the regulations – resulting in challenges for the public, the development community and Town staff as the LDO was interpreted and implemented. The Town, along with consultant team Clarion Associates, initiated this project to modernize the LDO into a user-friendly document.

The updated LDO facilitates a more transparent, modern and efficient approach to how the Town manages future growth and development by better aligning the LDO with the vision, goals and policies of the Parker 2035 Master Plan and other adopted planning documents. Other benefits of this project include adoption of best practices in zoning and more efficient, easier-to-use regulation.

  • Land Development Ordinance Replacement Zoning Map Adopted

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    The Town is excited to announce a major milestone for Parker, the adoption of the Land Development Ordinance Replacement Zoning Map on Jan. 6. Following Town Council’s recent adoption of the new LDO in May 2024, adoption of the Town’s new official zoning map concludes the LDO Modernization project with some new and updated zoning districts that align with the Parker 2035 Master Plan.

    The Town’s official zoning map shows the locations of the various zoning districts established within the Town of Parker municipal limits. Every property in Town is zoned. Zoning describes what uses are permitted on properties and also includes dimensional standards such as allowable building heights and setbacks.

    The LDO is Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code, which sets standards for land use and development within the Town. The LDO Modernization project was the first comprehensive rewrite of the Land Development Ordinance since the Town’s incorporation in 1981. The LDO and the associated Zoning Map are important tools used to implement the vision and goals of the Town’s Master Plan.

  • Proposed Replacement Zoning Map Draft Published and Community Open Houses Scheduled

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    A draft of the proposed Replacement Zoning Map and the Zoning Comparisons Guide with additional information about the proposed changes, are now available for review in the "Document Library."

    And make plans to join Community Development staff and project consultant Clarion Associates at a community open house to view the proposed Replacement Zoning Map and provide your feedback!

    • Noon to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2024 at the Parker Schoolhouse Event Room, 19650 Mainstreet.
    • 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2024 at the Parker Schoolhouse Event Room, 19650 Mainstreet.

    Please note, the Aug. 21 and Sept. 4 open houses will present the same information.

  • Replacement Zoning Map Project

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    In May 2024, the Town completed the first step in the adoption of the Town’s LDO Modernization project which was to adopt the LDO portions regarding process and development standards, but specifically excluding section 13.04 Zoning Districts until a replacement zoning map is completed and adopted. The current step of the adoption process of the Land Development Ordinance (LDO) is the development and adoption of the replacement zoning map and adopting Section 13.04 - Zoning.

    The Town’s official zoning map shows the locations of the various zoning districts established within the Town of Parker municipal limits. Zoning describes what uses are permitted on any land and also includes dimensional standards such as building heights and setbacks. Click here to view the current zoning map.

    The replacement zoning map will be developed to align with the Parker 2035 Master Plan and its General Land Use Plan. The LDO implements the adopted policies in the Master Plan and other adopted Town plans. The replacement zoning map will primarily apply to properties zoned Commercial, Business or Greater Downtown District in the Town, these zone districts will no longer exist with the adoption of the new zone districts. The text of the proposed zoning districts and their descriptions are listed in the new LDO and available for review using the 13.04 Zoning Districts link above. A Zoning Districts Comparison Guide has also been developed for viewers to compare changes between the new Commercial and Mixed Use zoning districts and the current C-Commercial and B-Business zoning districts. The Comparison Guide can be found in the Document Library on the project website

    Next steps include development of the draft replacement zoning map and community outreach. Continue to watch the project website for information on the draft replacement zoning map and announcements of upcoming public outreach events to participate in the conversation.

  • Land Development Ordinance Adopted

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    Parker Town Council adopted the new Land Development Ordinance on May 20, 2024, with the exception of section 13.04 Zoning. The final LDO is available in the "Document Library." Thank you to the many residents who have contributed to this project since 2019.

  • Final Adoption Draft Available and Adoption Public Hearings Scheduled

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    The Land Development Ordinance Final Adoption Draft is now available for review in the "Document Library." Comments and questions may be provided prior to the public hearings by calling or emailing staff as listed in the "Who's Listening" section, or using the ‘Comments or Ideas’ tab on this page.

    Public hearings for adoption of the updated LDO have also been scheduled:

    • Planning Commission Meeting, 7 p.m. Thursday, April 25 at Parker Town Hall, 20120 E. Mainstreet
    • Town Council Meeting, 7 p.m. Monday, May 20 at Parker Town Hall, 20120 E. Mainstreet

    Additionally, the LDO FAQs listed on this page below the “Document Library” have been updated.

  • Adoption Draft Available for Review and Open House Planned for Feb. 6, 2024

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    The new Land Development Ordinance Adoption Draft is now available for review in the "Document Library." An informational open house about the Adoption Draft will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb.6 at the PACE Center, Creative Studio East. The PACE Center is located at 20000 Pikes Peak Ave.

  • Land Development Ordinance Consolidated Public Draft Published

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    The Land Development Ordinance Consolidated Public Draft has been published and is available for review and comment through Oct. 26, 2023. Find the draft in the "Document Library." Feedback may be provided through the "Comments Or Ideas" tab or by emailing or

  • LDO Module 3 – Administration and Procedures Public Draft Now Available for Review and Comment!

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    The Town is pleased to announce the third and final installment of the Land Development Ordinance (LDO) Modernization Project, Module 3 – Administration and Procedures, has been completed and is now available for public review and comment through January 31, 2023. Public comments can be added to the ‘Comments & Ideas’ tab, or emailed directly to the Project Managers. The Module 3 – Administration and Procedures draft document can be found in the ‘Document Library’ on this project page. In addition, the PowerPoint presentations from the Town Council and Planning Commission study sessions held October 10, 2022 and October 13, 2022, respectively, are also posted for viewing.

    The Community Development Department’s Planning Division, along with project consultant Clarion Associates, continue to work on this comprehensive update of the LDO. The LDO, Title 13 of the Parker Municipal Code, governs land use and development within the Town. Its purpose is to preserve and promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the community. It is one of the most important tools to implement the vision and goals of the Parker 2035 Master Plan, including guiding growth and development in the Town of Parker.

    This third installment, Module 3- Administration and Procedures, includes the following chapters:

    Chapter 13.01: General Provisions

    Chapter 13.02: Rules of Language Construction and Definitions (definitions continued)

    Chapter 13.03: Administration and Procedures

    The proposed changes in this public draft build on the previous work in phase 1 of this project which included community and stakeholder outreach and meetings, resulting in the LDO Diagnostic Report, Annotated Outline and Project Charter that has informed the project. These documents can also be found in the ‘Document Library’ on this project page.

    The public drafts of the first installment, Module 1 – Zoning Districts & Uses, and Module 2 – Development Standards, have been completed and are also posted here in the Document Library for reference along with all meeting presentations.

    Next Steps – Comments received on Module 3 will help inform the final Consolidated Draft. The Consolidated Draft will include all three modules, represent the new Land Development Ordinance, and is anticipated to be posted for public review and comment in the first quarter of 2023. Following completion of the Consolidated Draft, adoption of the new LDO is slated for summer/fall of 2023.

  • LDO Module 3 - Dec. 6, 2022 Community Open House

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    Mark your calendars for a Community Open House on two projects, the Land Development Ordinance (LDO) and the Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan. This joint open house will be held 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 6 at the PACE Center, 20000 Pikes Peak Ave.

    The open house will begin with a brief presentation on the development of the third and final LDO Module 3. Residents are invited to drop in, learn more, ask questions and provide input about these projects that are currently under development!

    The LDO Modernization Project is the first comprehensive rewrite of Parker’s Land Development Ordinance since it was originally adopted in 1981 from Douglas County zoning.

    The project started with phase 1 (of 2) that included public engagement and analysis of the current LDO resulting in a Diagnostic Report, Annotated Outline and a Project Charter. Currently in phase 2, the drafting of the revised LDO, staff and the project consultant have completed two of the three ‘modules’, Module 1 – Zoning Districts and Uses and Module 2 - Development Standards. Once completed, a public draft of Module 3 will be available for public review and comment this project page.

  • LDO Module 2 - Development Standards Public Draft Now Available for Review and Comment!

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    The Town is pleased to announce the second of three installments of the Land Development Ordinance (LDO) Modernization Project, Module 2 – Development Standards, has been completed and is now available for public review and comment through February 18, 2022. Public comments can be added to the ‘Comments & Ideas’ tab, or emailed directly to the Project Managers. The Module 2 – Development Standards draft document can be found in the ‘Document Library’ on this project page. In addition, and to assist in your review, a Memorandum summarizing the major changes in the draft regulations from the current LDO can also be found in the Document Library.

    The Community Development Department’s Planning Division, along with our consultant Clarion Associates, continue to work on a comprehensive update of the LDO. The LDO, Title 13 of the Parker Municipal Code, governs land use and development within the Town. Its purpose is to preserve and promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the community. It is one of the most important tools to implement the vision and goals of the Parker 2035 Master Plan - including guiding growth and development in the Town of Parker.

    This second installment, Module 2- Development Standards, includes the following chapters:

    • Chapter 13.02: Rules of Construction and Definitions (partial)
    • Chapter 13.08: Development Standards
    • Chapter 13.09: Sign Code

    The proposed changes in this public draft build on the previous work in phase 1 of this project which included community and stakeholder outreach and meetings - resulting in the LDO Diagnostic Report, Annotated Outline and Project Charter that will inform the project. These documents can also be found in the ‘Document Library’ on this project page.

    The public draft of the first installment, Module 1 – Zoning Districts & Uses, has been completed and is also posted here in the Document Library for reference.

    Next Steps – Comments from the public review period (running through February 18, 2022) will help to inform the final draft of Module 2, which will then be inserted into the final ‘Consolidated Draft’ of the new LDO. The Consolidated Draft will include all three modules, represent the new Land Development Ordinance, and is anticipated to be posted for public review and comment later in 2022 after completion of the final installment Module 3 – Administration and Procedures.

Page last updated: 03 Feb 2025, 09:25 AM