Parker Road Corridor Plan

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Consultation has concluded

Parker Road is a significant regional corridor, the primary north/south highway through the Town, and is often the first and sometimes the only impression that visitors have of Parker. While this highway is a key identifying feature, it does not currently reflect the high quality of life or aesthetics that the residents of Parker currently value, and in fact has a significant impact on the Town as a barrier for east/west traffic, pedestrians, bicyclists, and commerce.

The purpose of this project is to create and integrate a corridor-specific vision and goals related to land use, economics, urban form, and multi-modal transportation that will provide an identity more closely aligned with the Town’s vision, Master Plan and Transportation Master Plan, and more reflective of residents’ desires and standards.

We will be looking to business and property owners, community leaders and the public to inform the plan. This process starts with listening to the community and identifying issues and opportunities in and around the Corridor. We will then take what we have heard and use that feedback to inform and develop possible alternative solutions. These will be reviewed and refined by community members and leaders and will result in a final vision and goals for the future of the corridor.

Parker Road is a significant regional corridor, the primary north/south highway through the Town, and is often the first and sometimes the only impression that visitors have of Parker. While this highway is a key identifying feature, it does not currently reflect the high quality of life or aesthetics that the residents of Parker currently value, and in fact has a significant impact on the Town as a barrier for east/west traffic, pedestrians, bicyclists, and commerce.

The purpose of this project is to create and integrate a corridor-specific vision and goals related to land use, economics, urban form, and multi-modal transportation that will provide an identity more closely aligned with the Town’s vision, Master Plan and Transportation Master Plan, and more reflective of residents’ desires and standards.

We will be looking to business and property owners, community leaders and the public to inform the plan. This process starts with listening to the community and identifying issues and opportunities in and around the Corridor. We will then take what we have heard and use that feedback to inform and develop possible alternative solutions. These will be reviewed and refined by community members and leaders and will result in a final vision and goals for the future of the corridor.

Consultation has concluded
  • Parker Road Corridor Plan Adopted!

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    The Town is proud to announce the adoption of the Parker Road Corridor Plan by Town Council at their December 2, 2019 regular meeting!

    Public hearings for Planning Commission (November 14, 2019) and Town Council (December 2, 2019) followed a successful community open house at the PACE Center Wednesday, November 13, 2019 that presented highlights of the Plan and answered citizen's questions.

    The Parker Road Corridor Plan is a land use & transportation policy document for the Town and the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) to guide decisions to better manage changing land use and development, improve travel safety, operations and efficiency, and prioritize infrastructure strategies and options - to achieve an updated vision of this long-range plan for this important local and regional transportation and commerce corridor.

    The Town wishes to thank all partners and stakeholders including CDOT, Douglas County, E-470 Highway Authority, and the citizens of Parker for their meaningful engagement and participation. Your feedback and conversations helped to inform the Plan!

  • Parker Road Corridor Plan - DRAFT Plan has Been Completed! Join Us for a Community Open House November 13th & Public Hearings!

    Share Parker Road Corridor Plan - DRAFT Plan has Been Completed! Join Us for a Community Open House November 13th & Public Hearings! on Facebook Share Parker Road Corridor Plan - DRAFT Plan has Been Completed! Join Us for a Community Open House November 13th & Public Hearings! on Twitter Share Parker Road Corridor Plan - DRAFT Plan has Been Completed! Join Us for a Community Open House November 13th & Public Hearings! on Linkedin Email Parker Road Corridor Plan - DRAFT Plan has Been Completed! Join Us for a Community Open House November 13th & Public Hearings! link

    A final draft of the Parker Road Corridor Plan has been completed and is now available for public review! The document can be found in the 'Document Library' on the right side of this page - as the first document. The review period is now through Friday, Nov. 8th. You can leave comments in the 'Comments' tab or by emailing the Project Manager, Mary Munekata at

    The Corridor Plan has been developed as a combined land use and transportation plan for the Town and CDOT to better manage land development, improve travel safety and efficiency, and prioritize future infrastructure strategies and options for the Parker Road corridor.

    After extensive public outreach and engagement with our partners at the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), Douglas County and the E-470 Highway Authority, the Town is nearing adoption of this long-range planning and visioning document. Please join us for a community open house to review the draft plan:

    • Community Open House - Wednesday, November 13, 2019, 5-7 p.m. at the PACE Center

    Public hearings for the adoption of the Parker Road Corridor Plan are scheduled for:

    • Planning Commission - Thursday, November 14, 2019, 7 p.m. at Town Hall; 20120 E. Mainstreet
    • Town Council - Monday, December 2, 2019, 7 p.m. at Town Hall; 20120 E. Mainstreet
  • Parker Road Corridor Plan Update

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    Thank you for checking back in to the PRCP project website! After the December 2018 Community Workshop #2, consultant Kimley-Horn and the Town continued coordination meetings with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) - reviewing draft alternatives from the Design Alternatives Methodology & Conceptual Costs document. This document can be found in the Document Library on the right side of this page.

    Kimley-Horn continues to draft the plan components and a consolidated public draft is expected late summer, so check back again to view the draft Parker Road Corridor Plan.

    Feel free to continue to leave comments in the 'Comments' or Q & A tabs above.

  • Join us for an Upcoming Open House!

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    Save the Date!

    We will be hosting a community open house on Dec. 5 at the PACE Center from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. to review initial land use, transportation and urban design recommendations for the corridor. For more information, please visit the project website at or contact Associate Planner Mary Munekata at or 303.841.2332.

    Project Background

    The Parker Road Corridor Plan project is in full swing! Planning staff, along with consultant Kimley-Horn, recently completed Community Workshop #1 and Community Focus Groups and are continuing stakeholder outreach with Town departments and project partners, including CDOT, RTD, the E-470 Authority, Douglas County and the City of Aurora.

    The Parker Road Corridor Plan will be an updated community vision that addresses changing land uses, multi-modal transportation needs and urban design strategies to guide future growth and development in the corridor over the next 20+ years.

    The consultant is currently examining the corridor’s existing conditions and key influences. Next steps include a revised corridor vision and goals, and development of a land use and transportation framework plan (‘roadmap’) that will provide initial recommendations and strategies for future desired outcomes in the corridor.

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